Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trip To Sematan

Went to Sematan on 29 June 07 for a overnite fishing trip. It took an hour boat drive before reaching our destination. First stop was a rocky botom with plenty of groupers. But the boat kept swaying from side to side causing few of our "kaki" to puke. Luckily i have this on hand.

*Don't leave dry land without it.

Not much fish thru out the trip due to strong tide and heavy rain. Weather is damn cold during the nite (till u cant find ur little brother), so always make sure you bring a raincoat or some jacket for your fishing trip.

*morning fishin spot..

* our luxury cruise boat side view

* complete with luxury kitchen, place where they prepare the mee maggie breakfast and morning Cappucino.. (engine located in the back)

*waiting for the big bite... (cool box very big lar, fish all small small one)

* Tackle Box, Canggih oh.....

Fish seems to be more active around 7am+ and we manage to get some fish in quick succession.

* my limited morning catch, dont know wat fish it is..

Before 8 am, the tekong decided to head back closer to Sematan so he decided trolling for fish on our way back.

* Trolling..

*Kan Chiong moment when caught 1 Mackarel.

* rest of the group's catch..

Went back to shore around 9am as the tekong will be bringing another group out for fishing at noon...

* Talang talang..

Not much fish for my previous two trips here, maybe overfishing at the popular spots here.. Bo Kang Tau ah.....

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