Monday, August 6, 2007

Talang Talang, Sematan

Date: 5 Aug 07

Though still tired from the rambongan trip yesterday, we off to Sematan at in the morning. And if u're asking, yes we are gila pancing... If go to work wake up this early sure get promoted 1.

*reached sematan at 6am+, the place looks great...

*our boat for the day.. nice view, i should wake up early more often...

*"i'll have a room for 3 with breakfast pls...."

*sun rise

*anchor up, its fishing time....

*the lonely fisherman...

*if u look hard enough, u will see some dolphins swimming around..
No, im not bluffing...

*Not much catch the whole morning..

*while we about to call it a day, found a school of fish and its a feeding frenzy...

No fish after 1pm+, so we headed back to shore at 2.30pm..
*we got some tired looking and sotong smelling angler on boat..
Catch for the day trip boleh tahan lar.. Only RM 150.. can try again some other day. But have to drive almost 2 hours back home.. die....

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